Wheelchairs & Scooters for Mobility
A standard wheelchair is available on loan: call site administrator at 610-594-7021 or the Chester County Association for the Blind at 610-384-2767 to arrange pick up.

We also have the following free items:

other Standard manual wheelchairs: 3 new wheelchairs with foot rests thanks to Outback Team Building & Training;0 with leg supports

If we don't have the right wheelchair for you, or you need a 3 or 4 wheel scooter call:

My Mobility Pros www.mymobilitypros.com Call 610-609-4740 or email info@mymobilitypros.com for free assistance picking up/delivering equipment. They have a few fully functional older model wheelchairs and scooters.

 Miracle on Wheels         1-800-749-8778   Electric Wheelchairs for people who have Medicare or other primary insurance.

If you need a wheelchair due to a spinal cord injury contact: www.unitedspinal.org

Check the  Classifieds Listing ("REEP Classifieds"). https://techowlpa.org/service/reep/

Embracing Your Space Resources for people with Spinal Cord Injuries: www.knowledgeinitiative.org/embracing-your-space


Free Wheelchair Pennsylvania (2020) – Where to Get Assistive Devices for Free in Pennsylvania